3 Ways To Tell if your Relationship is NOT of God

You may have heard the saying before, that you want to make sure that someone or something is “of God.”  What that basically means is making sure whether or not something has been ordered and sanctioned by God, Himself, and not part of your own doing.

The following are 3 ways to tell if your relationship is NOT of God.

1.  You put your date’s needs above God’s needs. People have needs and wants, but a true man or woman of God’s needs should line up with God’s Word and God’s expectations.  Either the person you’re with reminds you of God’s love and keeps you focused on pleasing Him, or they’re causing you to take your focus off of God and make it more about pleasing them.  Also, you want to make sure that you don’t begin to love someone more than you love God by placing   them on a pedestal more so than God – you want to make sure that your love for God remains top priority and seated at the throne of your heart.

2.  Your relationship causes you to compromise your relationship with God. Relationships either cause us to draw closer to God or farther away from God.  There is no in between.  If you find yourself spending less time in prayer and more time repenting for past physical actions with a significant other, then know that that other person is causing you to compromise your relationship from God in order to satisfy their own fleshly desires and that that person may not necessarily be, like the song says, ‘sent from heaven.’

3.  Instead of adding to your life, your relationship sucks the life out of you!
Healthy relationships are where the two people involved laugh together, play together, pray together, and do life together.  They encourage one another and follow peace in the relationship – the peace that passes all understanding.  If the majority of the time in your relationship you’re either fixing things or trying to fix and change the other person, then the person you’re dating may not be the one for you and it may be time to move on.  Only God can change a person; we must believe a person shows us their true selves the first time and not try and make excuses because we want to force something to work that probably wasn’t meant to work in the first place.

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more. www.kimontheweb.com

Who’s REALLY Your Everything?

The following is one of my daily devotional emails that I’m featuring as a blog to give you a sample of the devotionals for women which are emailed to hundreds of women each day:


“Who’s REALLY Your Everything?”

I’m sure you’ve seen plenty movies or heard it said on many songs on the radio where the woman professes her love to her man by telling him, “You are my everything.”

While on the surface it sounds like a flattering compliment any man in a relationship would love to receive, however, if you’ve ever used this statement, you may want to really investigate your profession.

While two people who are seeing each other should remain exclusive and loyal to one another, you may want to refrain from using such quote.

In every instance, make sure that God is your everything, and that He remains seated on the throne of your heart.

“Yeah, but God knows what I mean when I tell my boyfriend that,” you  may say.  You may be surprised to know that the God I serve is a jealous God who will have no other gods before Him; even if it’s a ‘boyfriend.’ (Exodus 34:14; Exodus 20:3)

Or maybe you never actually said the words, “You are my everything,” to a man, yet your actions may reveal the truth.

Do you spend more time with your man than you do with God, whether in prayer, or during praise and worship?

If your man wanted to do something all Sunday morning, would you forsake going to church for him?

If your man asked you to do something that would compromise your relationship with God such as have sex, would you do it for him?

In other words, would you place your man’s desires before God’s desires?

Doing any of these things prove you put his desires before God’s desires and that your man is more important to you than God; he is your everything.

So I want to encourage you today to examine your relationship, and make sure you’re keeping God on a pedestal and not someone else.

In relationships, make sure your Heavenly Father remains your everything.


If you liked this and would like to sign up to receive your own devotional for single women emailed to you personally each morning, Click Here

Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more. www.kimontheweb.com

10 Reasons Women Settle in Relationships







We all know these women – they settle for relationships where they’re being
abused physically or verbally by men who don’t respect them or their feelings,
yet they still choose to stay in the relationship.  Some of us may even admit
that this woman was us at one point.  Today I’m led to share 10 reasons I
believe women settle for less than God’s best for them in relationships.  Feel
free to add your input as well.

in no particular order of importance (they’re ALL important 🙂

1.  Fear that there’s no one better out there for them

2.  Fear that no one else would want them

3.  Lack of self-worth and self-love

4.  Lack of realizing how much God loves them and because of this they deserve
to be treated like royalty.

5.  Driven by life’s desires (i.e. desire to be married by a certain age, have kids by a
certain age) and if this doesn’t work out some women feel the may miss their opportunity
to live their familial dreams

6.  Lack of knowing what true love should look like (i.e. lack of examples of godly, successful
relationships or lack of internalizing 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 )

7.  Believing the LIE of the good man shortage, perpetuated by the media (how many video
clips on the ‘single black woman’s struggle to find a man’ do we have to watch???)

8.  Poor self-confidence and poor sself-esteem

9.  Fear of being alone

10.  Just plain ‘ole FEAR (fear of making the wrong decision, fear of never falling in love again,
and on and on and on…)

But thanks be to GOD, for He has not given us a spirit of FEAR, but that of power, love,
and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7) , so we bind fear today in Jesus’ Name!

Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more. www.kimontheweb.com