Believe Again in 2010!

A video clip aired recently on ABC Nightline stating that 70% of black women are single and that there are over 1.8 million more black women than black men. It also reports 42% of black women have never been married, and that a large number of them will remain single as there are currently 12 women to every 1 black male.

Upon first reading that report it’s easy to feel disheartened and get in a funk. However, we must remember that based on the billions of people in the world, as you believe God for a mate, remember – You only need one. Also, I want to submit to you, to counteract their report – “Whose report, will you believe?”

Sometimes when you’ve been single for so long you begin to get comfortable in your singleness.

I remember speaking to a wonderful woman of God who was in her early forties and still single saying, “I’ve just given up.” I was crushed listening to her words because, to me, was she not only giving up on ever being married, but she was also giving up on the one thing that we, as believers, should never, under any circumstances, give up on – and that’s hope.

But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it. Romans 8:25

It’s quite alright to desire marriage, and it’s even okay to believe it can happen for you. However, you don’t want your desire, to turn into an anxious care (Philippians 4:6), or even a want.

The Word of God reminds us in Psalm 23:1, The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.

The word, “want,” in this passage of Scripture means, “to fail, want, lessen, (have) lack, make lower, want.” In other words, it indicates that something is missing in one’s life, however with God on your side you already have every thing you could ever need.

Instead of “wanting” a mate, I submit to you that you instead, “expect” a mate.

Expect God’s promise to come to pass in His season for your life since He promised to give you the desire of your heart in Psalm 37:4 as you continue to delight in Him. A lot of times, if you’re seeking the face of God and in His presence in prayer consistently, then it’s He who put the desire for marriage in your heart in the first place.

Expect God to be true to His Word and see yourself that blushing bride on your wedding day, and even, see yourself, now, as that virtuous woman and loving wife who is a crown to her husband who will do him good and not evil all the days of his life (Proverbs 12:4, Proverbs 31:12).

Envision and become her now, as you believe God for a mate, and in the meantime become the best you today and use this year to really focus on what God has called you to do and get to know your Heavenly Father even more this year through prayer, praise and worship, and service to Him and His people.

Become as much like Jesus as you can this year – no, not so you can snag a man, but so that God will be pleased with you and so your life will be fulfilled.

Don’t be hopeless, don’t give up on hope – again remain hopeful and stay in a state of expectation that God will do what He said He would do in due season as you really trust, depend on, and rely on Him.

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)
-Hebrews 10:23

In 2010, it’s time to believe again!

Click here to view the much-talked about video clip:

Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more.

Dr. King and Coretta – 2 Destinies, 1 Dream


Did you know that Coretta Scott King initially didn’t like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. because she thought he was too short?

She then went on to say that the more she went out with him and got to know him, the more she liked him. She discovered that his life’s mission to fight for freedom and equality was similar to hers. Already an accomplished concert performer, having graduated from Antioch, Coretta was asked by Dr. King if she could see herself married to a Southern minister. She figured that if she did, she would have to take on
the role as a preacher’s wife and he would want a wife to come home to, and not one off traveling doing concerts in different countries. So she had a choice to make.

She chose Martin.



And boy did she make the right choice!

Not only was she able to accomplish her dream in assisting him with the fight for
equality, but a lot of times as they toured different countries, such as their trip
to India in 1959, she was invited to sing for many groups in cities, towns, and villages
throughout India. Hence both their dreams came true – together. (Vivian, Octavia.
Coretta, The Story of Coretta Scott King. Mnneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress, 2006.)

Single people, it is so important that you find out where your potential mate is headed
in life. Find out their dreams; find out their purpose; and see where and if you would fit.

Ladies, talk about that man’s life mission, and see if you can “see yourself” fitting
into that puzzle being his helpmeet.

For example, if the two of you are at a restaurant and he tells you he’s called to
live in Africa for 10 years on the mission field, and you can’t see yourself willingly
going along with that man helping him (and not grumbling and complaining about the
living conditions or insects) then don’t waste that man’s time or yours. Don’t determine
in your mind that you’re going to marry him, then try and talk him out of it after
you’re married.

That’s not right.

We live for our dreams, and shattering one’s dreams is like shattering a person’s soul.

Instead of misleading someone for the sake of “having a good man,” simply tell him you’re
not called to Africa, and decide to be just friends or go your separate ways.
The man God has for you will come along in due season. Just be patient, know what you’re
looking for, know what your dream is (i.e. know your own purpose and work on it now while
you’re single), then when you meet the next one, talk about the direction your lives will
be headed. Talk about the present, talk about the past, and talk about the future.

Amos 3:3 says, Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

Marriage is a collision of two destinies and two dreams, working together to make them
come true, which leads to total fulfillment.

It’s not enough that that person is “saved” and that’s it. What’s their mission?
What’s their dream? What’s their purpose? And can you see yourself walking with that
person on this journey called life together?

Just think if Coretta would have written Martin off because he was too short?

It would have been a huge mistake.

Try not to write someone off because of superficial attributes one can’t change such as
their height or complexion.  As believers, we’re supposed to be more concerned with the
heart, right? But how many people actually take that into consideration when choosing a

Not saying that the person has to be totally unattractive to you. You want someone who
is pleasing to your sight, especially since this is the person you’re going to wake up to
every morning. All I’m saying is, when considering someone, consider their integrity,
their character, and their purpose in life.

In doing so, you may meet and marry your dream man or woman, and you two can then make
each other’s dreams come true together.

Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more.

Boo-less This Christmas?

Ball and Bow*Call an out of town relative you haven’t spoken to all year and tell him or her, “I love you.”

*Bake cookies with your nieces and nephews and cherish the smiles on their cookie battered faces.

*Laugh at “Cou’n Pete’s” jokes even though he’s been telling the same one for the past eleven years.

*Smile when your great aunt Sally gives you that same type of sweater she gives you every year, fluffy shingles and all.

This Christmas enjoy time with family, friends and loved ones, and if you find yourself “boo-less” this year with no special someone in your life, know that you are special to someone, and His name is Jesus Christ.

He loved you so much that He gave His very best to you and shed His blood for you – now
that’s love, baby, no man can top that!

Join me in celebrating His miraculous birth today as HE IS the real reason for the season!

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given:  and the government shall be upon his
shoulder:  and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The
everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”

-Isaiah 9:6


Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more.

Seasons Change – Will You? 8 Ways…

Fall is here! Fall is one of my favorite seasons because I get to enjoy the beauty of God’s creations as leaves change from bright yellows, to dark oranges and even deep reds, squirrels scurry to save food for the winter, and birds flee.

Fall is a season of change.

It’s a perfect time to re-evaluate our lives and see areas where we can improve, or even change if necessary.

Written as affirming statements, this month’s eNewsletter focuses on 8 things in your life that can be changed right now.


1. My attitude.

I will change my attitude about life and how I define true happiness.
Happiness is not defined by my present circumstance, marital status, bank account, or
station in life, happiness is defined by simply knowing that my life and lifestyle
pleases my Master, Savior, and Creator, God. Happiness is defined by that inward witness
that comes with knowing I am at peace and at one with God, and knowing that God loves and
accepts me for who I am and that I love Him with an everlasting love because He first
loved me.

2. My outlook on life.

God has prepared and laid out a great future for me. The plans
He has for me are of peace and not evil, so that I can have an expected end.
The goodness God will bring to me during this season of change is to be expected,
because I realize that every good gift comes from above. As I continue to run to Him
in prayer and praise, seeking guidance and direction from above and not because of my own
selfish ambition, He will reveal His plans, purposes, and the secret things He has for my
life as long as I continue to have faith and believe that He wants what’s best for me and
has my best interest at heart.

3. My walk.

No longer shall I walk with my head down in shame feeling “less than”
because no one is claiming me as their significant other. I will change the way I walk.
I will walk with my head up and shoulders back, knowing that I am a child of the most
High God and part of a royal priesthood. I don’t have to settle for relationships with
unbelievers because whoever I walk with, we, two shall walk in agreement and harmony.
My relationships will compliment who am I and help bring out the best in me – the God in
me. If they don’t, and if they hinder me and my relationship with God, then I chose to
walk alone. Then again, with Him I’m never alone, and me and my God can walk alongside
each other, hand in hand, fulfilling His perfect will and the plan that He has for my

4. My talk.

I will change my words, which changes my environment and my outcome. I will
put away lying, swearing, and foolish, unfruitful conversations that only berate others.
I will no longer make negative confessions such as there are no good men out here, or
all the good ones are already taken; I will instead confess that there are plenty good
men out here and who God has for me is for me! I speak life over myself and others,
I see myself as God sees me, and I call myself wonderfully and fearfully made because He
says so. I am beautiful. I am a woman after God’s own heart. I am desirable. I am
lovely. I am all whom God says I am.

5. My mind.

I will continue to allow the Word of God to transform my thinking into the
way God thinks. No longer will I allow society or others dictate how I should formulate
my opinion on certain issues. As I read and meditate God’s Word, then His will becomes
my will. I love what He loves, and I hate what He hates. I hate lying because He hates
lying. I hate a proud tongue because He hates a proud tongue. I value and treasure life
because He values and treasures life. I hate sin because He hates sin. I will change
my mind and believe that God’s perfect will in regards to my life and relationships is
the best for my life because I believe Him and His Word to be true for me.

6. My perception of myself.

No longer will I perceive myself to be, “not wife material,”
or not worthy of God’s love or love from someone else. I forgive myself and I
forgive others from past mistakes and pain, and I will go forward knowing that my past
does not define me nor dictate my future but that God defines me and determines my
destiny based on His Word. No longer will I be in bondage to past self perceptions or
self-esteem issues or perceived failures while growing up. I am free to forgive those
who hurt me or failed to teach me and lead by example, and I will allow the Comforter,
in the form of the Holy Ghost, to teach me how to become that virtuous woman and
eventually that virtuous bride who is a crown to her husband and will do him good and
not evil all the days of his life.

7. My relationship with God.

I will grow stronger and get closer to God with each passing day. The more I read His Word,
the more I become like Him. I will begin, and not end my day with God. I will start off by praising
and thanking Him, which will lead into prayer. In my personal prayer closet where I normally
meet with Him, I will receive and fulfill instructions from Him which I will carry out to the full.
I treasure and protect my relationship with God more than any other relationship
in my life, and will put Him first in everything.

8. My destiny. Day by day, as I seek His face and allow Him to order my steps, I
realize that with each day that I am one step closer to my destiny. I will not
participate in sin for a season which will cause my destiny to be placed on hold or
get off track, but I will continue forward in the plan that God has for my life,
remaining sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and being prayerful about
every relationship along the way. In doing this, my destiny will become His destiny,
and the ultimate plan for my life, and I have joy knowing that my path is like a
shining light, that shineth more and more, brighter and clearer unto the perfect day.

Recite This Over Yourself Today!

Scripture References:

1. 1 John 4:19
2. Jeremiah 29:11, James 1:17
3. 1 Peter 2:9, 2 Corinthians 6:14, Amos 3:3
4. Ephesians 4:22-27, Psalm 139:14
5. Romans 12:2, Proverbs 6:16-19
6. John 14:26, Proverbs 12:4, Proverbs 31:12
7. Psalm 63:1
8. Psalm 119:133, Hebrews 11:24-25, Proverbs 4:18

Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more.

Strength to Wait

As single Christians, it is so important that we not grow weary while waiting.

Some of you have been believing God for years or even decades for a mate and you’re wondering, “Where’s my mate, Lord?” and, “What happened?”

You may have grown frustrated, blamed yourself, blamed others, or even blamed God for not sending you your Boaz like yesterday. You may have gone from relationship, to relationship, disappointment to disappointment, only to find yourself in the same position – waiting.

While you’re waiting for the manifestation, it is imperative that you
don’t give up. Don’t give up hope. The Word tells us in Romans 8:25,
“But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.”
Continue to wait on the Lord and be of good courage. If God has assured
you in your private prayer time that you will be married one day – allow
Him to order your steps while knowing and believing that you WILL be
married one day.

Don’t grow weary in well doing for in due season you shall reap. Everyone’s due
season is different, so while waiting, don’t compare yourselves to others. Just
continue to run your race with God’s grace, knowing that all the promises of God in Him
are yea, and in Him Amen (2 Cor. 1:20). The Word also reminds us, “But they that
wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as
eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”
(Isaiah 40:31) The Word, “wait” in this passage of Scripture means to expect,
to look, patiently, tarry, wait for.
The word, “renew” means to exchange, instead of.
And the word, “strength” means to be firm, vigor, ability, force, might, power.
So during this season of waiting, exchange your weakness or faint heart for His
strength, might, power and ability. God is able to do exceeding, abundantly above
all you can ever ask or think (Eph. 3:20), as long as you keep the faith and remain strong
while waiting.

Know that I love you, but God loves you more!

Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more.