It’s Good Friday – Jesus Endured, Will You?

Today is Good Friday – the day we, Christians, observe Christ’s final step of obedience to the Father in dying on the cross.  To me, Jesus’ story is amazing because He didn’t have to do it. He didn’t have to fulfill the perfect will of God for His life, preach the gospel and heal the sick for 3 years only to end up having His hands and feet nailed to a cross, be ridiculed and mocked, spat upon and have a crown of thorns placed on His head just so He can fully accomplish God’s will which was total redemption for you and me.

Jesus, because He walked the earth as God in the flesh as well as a man with free will, didn’t have to carry out God’s plan fully. Even to the point of the night of The Last Supper, when Judas betrayed Him with a kiss and Jesus was about to be seized and Peter smote one of the soldiers ears with his sword. Jesus then quickly rebuked Peter, healed the man’s ear and reminded Peter that what’s about to go down has to go down so the Scripture might be fulfilled.

Jesus, a Man who had done no wrong but was falsely accused and sentenced to death,  ends up on a cross next to a criminal who gets released instead of Him. Even Jesus himself realized that at any given moment He could have summoned 12 legions of angels at any given moment (which equals well over 60,000 angels) to come and rescue Him. But instead, Jesus said nothing, no whining, no complaining, and no “doing things His way so He doesn’t have to go through the pain,” and allowed the will of the Father to be done.

He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he opened not his mouth. Isaiah 53:7

Jesus said nothing while being spat upon, ridiculed, crucified and beaten so badly that by the time it was over He didn’t even resemble a man anymore.  He did it to fulfill His purpose in life and carry out God’s plan.

How many of us can honestly say we would do whatever it takes to carry out God’s ultimate plan for our lives?  How many of us would honestly say we love God enough, in spite of our own wants and desires, to live our lives while carrying out His expectations and in doing so we will receive our ultimate reward on earth and in heaven from Him?

How many of us would choose, this day, to live our lives as singles and glorify God with our bodies and from this day forward not have sex until marriage?  Sure, it’ll be hard on the flesh, but how many of us would be willing to carry that cross and follow Jesus?

How many married people would be willing to deny themselves their own rights and actually look to please and serve their spouse first, instead of always looking for what they can get out of something or what the other person can do for them all the time?

How many of us, who are believing God for something, anything, can honestly say, instead of whining and complaining asking, “Why, God, why” or “When, God, when” can say that instead of complaining or doing things our own way, that we will instead endure with joy knowing that the promises of God are yeah and amen?

How many of us singles, who want to be married, can accept the fact that we’re single now yet still run the race that God has for us with joy while enjoying who we are in Christ and the season we are in right now?  How many can honestly say they will do that?

Jesus was put on that cross, and stayed there until He said, “It is finished” and gave up the ghost and died.  How many of us can truly say we can endure our own race ’til the end?

Matthew 26:51-56
Luke 22:50-51
Isaiah 52:14
John 19:30

Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more.

Speak Over Yourself

Mid adult woman stretching on the beach

Sometimes, as singles, it can be pretty easy to feel a little – “less than.” You may feel sad, discouraged, or alone because of your current status in life as a single. Sure, you hear a good Word on any given Sunday morning, but by Sunday night you may wish that pillow you held on to was actually another warm body. What do you do when you get in a funk and the preacher isn’t there to stir you up and the organist can’t play a song to get your hands clappin’ and feet a’tappin? You encourage yourself.


When the enemy sends you thoughts about how you’re not worthy of anyone or not worthy to be loved or that you’ll never get married, counteract act his thoughts with your own words OUT LOUD. As believers, our words have power, more power than any demon in hell, so when we speak out loud, we command authority, in Jesus Name, and we also edify or build up ourselves at the same time.

So the next time negative thoughts come into your mind, or the next time you feel discouraged, speak over yourself out loud. Say things like, “Thank You, Lord, for I know that I am Your prized possession and that You made me wonderfully and fearfully made. I am worth the wait and what you have for me is for me in Your season in my life. I shall not fear and I shall not doubt Your Word and with You I am never alone. You made me worthy in You, You’re the lover of my soul and my very best friend who causes me to win every time. I am special because You made me special. I am worthy of love because you first loved me, so much so that You sent Your very best in the form of your Son to die for me and rise again so that I might have joy and so that my joy might be full. I speak joy over myself today. The joy of the Lord IS my strength. You are my joy, my shelter, and my refuge in the time of storm. And I thank and Praise You Lord for all these things and more, in Jesus Name.” Remember, don’t just read these words – speak it over yourself OUT LOUD and I GUA-RAWN-TEE you’ll feel a lot better afterward.

Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more.

Have Right Relationships – Right Now

Portrait Of Loving African American Couple In Countryside

Out of all the 12 married couples that I interviewed for my newest book, How To Date and Stay Saved who remained abstinent with each other until marriage – all of them share another common thread – they all admit to being friends before lovers.


I also explain, in the book, how it’s so important that every new relationship begins with a friendship foundation. During a recent singles conference at my church, one of the guest ministers, Bishop George Davis (a happily married man of 16+ years), explained the importance of building friendships and the importance of fellowship as not just single believers but as believers, and how your current friendship relationships can determine how you will behave in a marital relationship.

His words bring to mind the following examples: if you have problems with forgiving friends and others for their wrong doings, then you may have problems forgiving your future spouse when he gets on your nerves…and most married people I talk to say the “nerve getting on” is an inevitable part that goes right along with living with a fallible human being, especially of the opposite sex. Some married couples I talk to explain how they have to learn to walk in forgiveness each and every day with their spouse.

Forgiveness is a supernatural concept that you really have to tap into the love of God to bring forth, and it’s also a heart issue. For instance, sometimes you may think you have forgiven someone, but then you see that person from afar and all kinds of feelings bubble up on the inside then you realize you haven’t forgiven that person at all. If you still see the person who wronged you and still want to wring their neck or dangle them off the side of a building, then you may need to go back and check your forgiveness meter.
As believers, we have within us the ability to forgive each and every person. Romans 5:5 says, “…the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.” Once we received the Lord in our hearts the Holy Ghost comes to live inside us – all we need to do is activate the forgiveness that’s already within.

In addition to walking in forgiveness, we also want to walk in love with our friends.

You don’t want to hold anger or resentment with your closest friends, and you also want to observe how you resolve conflicts with them. If you’re mad at your girlfriend (or shall I say friend that’s a girl) do you punish her by not speaking to her for a week? Just imagine how damaging that would be if you were to get mad at your spouse and not speak to him in a week. And then the very day you decide to stop holding that grudge against him is the day he gets killed in a car accident, and all your can remember is your last words to him were, “I’m not talking to you anymore.” Not wishing that on anyone as that would be totally devastating, how much more then should we not harbor resentment with anyone, including our friends, family members and significant others (…let not the sun go down upon your wrath Ephesians 4:26)

Do you run from conflict, or do you address it and approach it in a peaceful or unassuming matter? Are all your friends “yes men” who agree with everything you have to say, or do some of them challenge your opinion or may not agree with you every time, but the two of you still know how to cordially and politely ‘agree to disagree.’

So, with all relationships, learn to agree to disagree in a civil manner, practice walking in love and forgiveness at all times, and you may notice how the way you treat others spills over into your dating relationship and eventually your marriage.


Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more.

True Humility Defined – is it always Your Way or Yahweh?


This morning, during my morning devotional time with the Lord, I began reading the book of Esther. While most remember Esther for her striking beauty and ultimate favor with the king in that she saved her people, the Jews, from genocide, I noticed how God ordered her steps and used her uncle, Mordecai, to lead, guide, coach and direct her as far as how she should act, dress, and behave and it was her obedience to him (a keeper of the palace gates for many years who knew all of the ins and outs) which brought her to a place where she could receive favor with the King Ahasuerus and save thousands of lives. Mordecai was esteemed as a hero and Esther a virtuous, courageous queen all because of her initial act of humility by obeying the commands of her uncle (Esther 2:20).

Most people have a false definition of humility. Humility is not someone walking around with their head hanging down, letting others walk all over them while singing, “No body knows,” every other week. Humility is not someone who is quiet all the time – i.e. just because they’re quiet then they must be humble.

True Humility is simply walking in obedience to God.

It’s lifting up holy hands and saying “Yes, Lord” to a great God whom you trust with your life and all your decisions.

It’s going where He says go, and doing what He says do, without second guessing Him or questioning Him, but knowing that He loves you and only wants what’s best for you and believing that He holds your future and is the one who gives you peace and an expected end (Jeremiah 29:11).

Esther had to believe this to be true of Mordecai, the authoritave figure in her life who raised her since birth – she had to believe that Mordecai held her best interest at heart and that he truly loved her, so she obeyed his every command as to how to prepare to be presented to and ultimately chosen by the king with the ultimate goal of delivering the jews.

In a similar sense, you want to walk in humility towards God and in relationships.

Not saying one must exude force over another, for the Word says you are to submit yourselves one to another in the fear of God (Ephesians 5:21). What I’m speaking of is not always having to have the last say in an argument in order to “win.” Sure you may have gotten the last word in, but what kind of strain have your hurtful words now caused your relationship? The Word admonishes us that whenever possible, we are to follow peace with all men (Hebrews 4:12). Instead of getting up in some man’s face in order to prove a point, you want to follow peace, and take it to God first, and allow God to tell you how you should handle the situation.

Obeying God and seeking Him first is true humility.

As singles, the way we obey God and humble ourselves before Him may be an indicator of how we will behave in future relationships.

In other words, right now as a single, is it always Your Way or Yahweh?

Do you have to have your way all the time?

Can God trust you with seeking His face, reading His Word consistently and doing His will instead of your will? The more you spend time with the Lord in prayer, the more He may instruct you of certain things to do with your life, whether it’s cutting off certain relationships that you know aren’t from God, changing the words that come out of your mouth, or challenging not necessarily what you say but how you say it.

In prayer, remain open to the Spirit’s leading and ask God to search your heart and fix and cleanse you in any area. The Word remains us to examine ourselves in 2 Corinthians 13:5 (i.e. it’s not always someone else’s fault) and it is in that place of constant self examination and consistent obedience to God – which is true humility- that we will continue to have favor with God and man.

Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more.

New Book – How to Date and Stay Saved by Kim Brooks

I’ve heard you! For the past 5 years I’ve been ministering to singles and one of my most popular workshops is on sex and dating. What I’ve discovered, from your feedback, is most have a heart to serve God in their relationships, they just don’t know how to do it. I’ve even heard, “How do I date and stay saved, when my hormones are raging?!” Thus I have birthed a new book just for you, with advice and information from my workshops, my personal experiences, and, of course, from The Word of God on the subject.

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This is not just a book…it’s a MOVEMENT!


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Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more.