Sex! It’s Complicated

couple feeling guilty after sex

The following is an excerpt from my latest book, How To Date and Stay Saved (from Chapter
6 Sex!  It’s Complicated

Sex outside of marriage complicates things also because it can be very emotional for some
once they’ve given it up, especially women, as it puts the relationship “blinders” on.

You know what I mean, that man may be no good for you.  Your momma, your daddy, your
sister, your brother, your best friend, everybody may be telling you that man is no good for you,
but because he’s so good in bed, you ignore everyone else’s rational thinking because you feel
like no man on this green earth can make you feel the way your man makes you feel and that
he must be the one.

What you may not realize, is that the only reason you feel so strongly about this man is not
because he treats you like a queen – you know that there have been days he treated you
like crap…but because he’s so good in bed and says the right things and knows how to work
it the right way, then you try and justify being blind to the truth.

The truth is, if he’s going to treat you like less of a woman, or even less of a human being,
then no, he doesn’t love you, no matter how many things he buys you and no matter how
much he tells you about how monogamous he is with you an only you.  If he really loved
you, then he would value you and your decision to wait until you’re married before the
two of you have sex.  He wouldn’t leave you at the drop of a hat once you told him.  If
he did then that’s just proof that he doesn’t really love you anyway but was more concerned
about what he could get from you sexually.

To read more, Click Here To Download the entire book now

Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more.

Don’t Rock The Boat!

Though it’s been over a couple weeks since I’ve been back from the Twenty12 Cruise, I still reflect
on the great time we had.

Since the cruise I’ve taken a moment to think about how God, with His unfailing love, managed to
keep us all during the trip and back home.

While flying from Detroit to Miami, FL I, as is custom, pled the blood of Jesus over the plane.
All during the flight I had no doubt that it would take me from point A to point B with no calamities.
Though I’m aware that there have been plane crashes in the past, I just knew that, because I
prayed, that I would make it to my destination safe and sound.

During the 7-day cruise, the Carnival Glory Cruise ship kept us afloat atop over 28,000 ft of
water. I prayed we would have a great time and had no doubt that our boat would not sink like
the Titanic.  Once I prayed I knew everything was going to be alright. (1 John 5:14-15) 

In life, so many people choose not to do things because of fear – whether it’s fear of past
experiences, fear that the sins of past relationships will creep into the next one, or fear of
the unknown.  Don’t let fear stop you from living your dreams or from all God has for you.

Also, after you pray for something, whether it’s your future mate, a financial breakthrough,
dream fulfillment or whatever, know that God heard and answered your prayer the first time –
now all you have to do is coast your way through while not wavering in your faith.  In other
words, don’t rock the boat!

Don’t be like the waves of the sea driven with the wind and tossed (James 1:6)

Don’t be like a ship in a storm, remain steady and stedfast in your faith.

No matter the circumstances, or even the sin which may so easily beset you (Hebrews 12:1)…repent,
get back on the boat, remain steady in your faith and constant in good works and watch God surely
bring all the desires of your heart to pass.  (Psalm 37:4) 

And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:

And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we
desired of him.  1 John 5:14-15

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the
Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.  1 John 15:58 

Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more.

Facebook Breakup?


Ever notice how as soon as someone changes their Facebook status
from in a relationship to single, then next thing you know here comes
all the comments offering what appears to be ‘condolences.’
Comments like, “Awww, sorry to hear that,” or “That’s too bad”
or “Sorry it didn’t work out”  appear out of no where.  It’s as if after
reading them the person who switched their status for the world to see
now feels even worse than ever.

Ending a relationship is not a bad thing.

Relationships are a journey of discovery, so if you “discover” the two
of you are compatible with one another, then that’s O-KAY lol

Ending the relationship (especially if you feel led by God to do so) may
have spared you from a lifetime of heartache and pain, infidelity and
adultery, or a life where in church you’re “all smiles” but it’s really hell at home.

God knows best.  When one door closes another opens at the right time.

So instead of viewing others’ FB status change as a funeral procession,
view it as a celebration and a new beginning.

What God has for you is for you and now that you’ve discovered what
wasn’t “it,” know that you’re one step closer to the one for you.

For You have delivered my life from death, yes, and my feet from falling,
that I may walk before God in the light of life and of the living.
Psalm 56:13 (Amplified Bible)


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Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more.