How To Escape Summertime Temptations







Listen to Audio Podcast on How To Escape Summertime Temptations
from the How To Date and Stay Saved Show:

Recommended Reading:  eBook, Singles, Overcome! (Free with )
(especially the chapter on sexual temptations)

Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more.

Detroiter and Award-winning Author Kim Brooks Releases Much Anticipated New Novel Nationwide This Spring


DETROIT, MI (April 4, 2014) – An all new Christian fiction novel from author, Kim Brooks, titled She That Findeth, will be published this spring by Atria Books, a division of Simon and Schuster. This novel releases nationwide on Tuesday, May 20th, 2014, in bookstores, major retail chains and online booksellers.  

     She That Findeth centers around what happens when a mid-30s woman, Shenita Love, grows tired of waiting on God to send her a husband and sets out to find one on her own. 

     Kim Brooks, a nationally recognized award-winning author, has been speaking to single audiences since 2005 and publishes The Single Heart Online Daily Devotional which has encouraged thousands across the globe since 2010.   

     Speaking of her collaboration with her editor, Todd Hunter, Brooks states, “Todd is an excellent editor who is very easy to work with. I appreciate how he has allowed me to maintain the integrity of the novel by keeping certain spiritual elements, along with realistic struggles and situations so readers can relate.”

    Hunter looks forward to adding She That Findeth to his growing fiction list.       

    According to Hunter, “It’s rare you find a writer so genuine, talented, who speaks to their audience as well as Kim Brooks.” He adds, “She uses well the power of story to entertain and inspire.  She That Findeth is an awesome display of these things and a fitting contribution to the Christian fiction genre.”

     Colleagues have dubbed Brooks, “Christian fiction’s rising star,” and Tyora Moody, author of the Victory Gospel Series proclaims, “Kim Brooks’ character development will draw you into She That Findeth and leave you breathlessly anticipating if Shenita will truly find the love she’s so desperately seeking.”  

      Says a fan of Kim Brooks, “Kim is one of the best authors from Detroit. She is awesome…her free flowing language always inspires me to read her books. I have already read quite a few writings of hers and have loved them to the core. The news about this new book has excited me. This is surely going to be a wonderful work as well. I am eagerly waiting for the book to hit the bookstores, so that I can get my copy.”

This is Brooks’ third novel and fifth book.

Media Contact
for interviews and review copies 

Bobbilyn Jones, Senior Publicist

Atria Books | a division of Simon & Schuster

Phone:  212-698-1107

Email:  [email protected]

For booking and notifications concerning this release and upcoming events surrounding it and/or to sign up to receive Kim’s free eNewsletter and daily devotionals for singles visit 


Media Contact

for interviews and review copies 
Bobbilyn Jones, Senior Publicist
Atria Books | a division of Simon & Schuster
Email:  [email protected]
Phone: 212-698-1107


Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more.

How Do You Know When You’re Ready To Date









In the first chapter of my book, How To Date and

Stay Saved, I talk about the one relationship that

should be the foundation of every relationship 

thereafter – your relationship with God.

Before you start seriously dating someone, make
sure your relationship with God is so in tact that
the main man you never want to hurt in the
process is your Heavenly Father.

Some people get in relationships and make
their man their god.

They put his desires over God’s desires and find
themselves in compromising positions or at the
altar repenting every Sunday.

Though God often tries to direct and warn us, we
ignore Him and listen to and adhere to him
instead of Him.

A person who will place a man above God is not
ready to date.

I know, I know, there are many who date,
marry and keep their man’s desires at the head
instead of God’s, however the fruit of that is
often a marriage where God is not the true
head of the home.

God being the head of your life before you date
helps ensure that He will remain the head of
your life while you date which should guide
your decisions and behavior during the dating
process as you stay connected to the true vine
and pray through the relationship.

 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.

 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he 
taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, 
he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.

 Now ye are clean through the word which I have 
spoken unto you.

 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot 
bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no 
more can ye, except ye abide in me.

 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in 
me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: 
for without me ye can do nothing.  John 15:1-5 


Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more.