How Your Husband Is Praying For You Now

bmprayingAs single women, sometimes we get so
focused on the fact that we’re praying and
believing God for a mate that we forget that while
you’re praying for him – he’s also praying for you. 

So as you pray that God protect, keep and strengthen
your husband right now, though you may not have met
him yet, know that he’s out there somewhere praying
that you show up.
Not only will he be a blessing to you when you
receive him, but know that you will be a blessing and
an answer to his prayer as well.Are you that blessing to him right now?
Are you that prudent, virtuous wife he’s praying
for this very moment?Today I’d like to encourage you to pray
and ask God how to be the best wife you can be
for your future husband now, and I’m sure the
Lord will show you how to prepare.House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: 
and a prudent wife is from the LORD. Proverbs 19:14
Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more.

Should Christians Use Online Dating Websites?

Recently I’ve been getting more and
more emails from single women asking me
what I think about Christian online dating
which is growing in popularity due to what
I believe as intense marketing and intense
presence of dating websites geared towards
Christians such as
and also secular ones
that allow you to be selective with your possible
matches by stressing the importance of your
potential match also sharing your faith such as
For this reason I am led to address this issue.
First, let me start by saying that I am in no way a head cheerleader for Christian
dating websites, however at the same time, I, personally, know of at least five
Christian women who initially met their now husbands online and I, personally,
do not see anything wrong with utilizing Christian online dating as an alternative way
to meet people who share your same beliefs.
Scripturally, the only requirement for believers to marry is that they both be equally yoked
according to 2 Corinthians 6:14 – there is no restriction as to how you initially connect,
however because there are some crazies out here and perverts posing as prophets setting
up profiles, there are several precautions you need to take in order to remain safe AND
Spirit-led if you’re led to go this route.
Know this, Christian online dating is NOT for every body, yet I realize more and more women
either already have their profile out there online somewhere or are strongly considering it.
So before you continue or set up your Christian online dating profile in order to meet new single
Christian men or to be found by your husband online, I strongly recommend you read the following
first, in order to keep you safe and led by the Spirit and not anxious or just led by the
flesh or your own desire for marriage so much so that you end up connecting with a
man you met online that you should never have connected with in the first place.
Inside you will discover the benefits and red flags to look out for with Christian
online dating.
You will find out not only its pros and cons but also how to be safe, how to not be deceived,
how to be led by the Spirit while dating and how to avoid setting up a Christian online dating
profile for all the wrong reasons.
So before you join or continue on a Christian dating website – read this first. 
Know that ultimately a decision to participate in a Christian dating website is an individual one
between you and God and by the end of the eBook you should know whether or not Christian
online dating is God’s will for you.
So … here it is… to answer all of your questions and even more… presenting  my newest
eBook release…
Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more.

How To Be a Wife Before You Meet Your Husband

How To Be a Wife
How To Be a Wife

Even though you’re not married, it’s still possible to become
a wife before you say, “I Do.”

Scripture admonishes men in Proverbs 18:22, He that findeth a wife
findeth a good thing and obtaineth favor of the Lord…
not he that
findeth a girlfriend, or he that findeth a “chick on the side” – no he that
findeth a WIFE, which means she should already be a wife and
already possess the character qualities of  wife on the inside (even
though it hadn’t manifested yet on the outside) before he even meets her.

Oftentimes, as single women the enemy likes to throw things
in our minds like, “You’re not really wife material,”
or, we may not have had examples in our lives of a happily,
drama-free married couple growing up.  Our parents may
have gotten divorced or we may have memories of growing
up in a household laden with arguments, fights, and
anything but peace.If that’s the case with you, be of good cheer because even
though you may not have had an example growing up, you
have the Greater One within and the Holy Ghost on the
inside to teach you how to be a wife.Our lives and how we respond and react does not have to be
based on our upbringing.

No longer can we have the excuse, “My mom is like this, my 
sisters are like this, so this is just how I am.”

The Word of God should have the final say in how we respond
and react, and the more Word we get in us, the more we become
that Proverbs 31 woman that God predestined us to be.

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father
will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring
all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said
unto you.  John 14:26

As you seek His face and His Word more each day, He will teach
you how to be prudent (Proverbs 19:14), He will teach you how to
have patience, He will teach you how to walk in love with the
seemingly unlovable, He will teach you how to pray for the lost,
and He will teach you how to be a wife.

Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more.

Should Women Pursue Men?

Should a woman ever pursue a man?  Check out this video and leave your own comments below:

Recommended Reading:  eBook, How To Date and Stay Saved 
(especially the Chapter on God’s Proper Order in Dating)


Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more.

Is it a sin to masturbate?

For a while the church has remained silent
on a certain topic, yet I’ve often heard this
question asked on many-a-singles panel
discussion over the years nationwide and
inquiring minds simply want to know – is
it a sin to masturbate?

Not only do people want to know, they
want to know, if so, then where do we go
from here – how can we be free from it –
how can we NOT do it when it appears to
be such a natural expression of self

gratification, especially since God’s

expectation is no sex before marriage.

Is masturbation even considered sex?

Well, because so many questions like this
have been left unanswered, God has put it
on my heart to address this issue
head on while providing Biblical references
and scriptural back up to answer these questions and
more, provide guidance and suggestions so that you can
walk in victory in this area, know for a fact whether or not
it is, indeed, a sin and from henceforth walk in total freedom.

Introducing my newest eBook:

Is It a Sin To Masturbate? What The Bible Says Revealed –
Know and Be Free

Chapters include:

-The Great Debate

-Onan and The Spilled Seed Theory

-Masturbation and Sex

-The Real “Master” in Masturbation
and so much more!

It’s time to get your questions answered and
walk in the truth.

Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more.