Expectation fuels your faith.
Faith requires action, while expectation is the reaction to the action.
Faith is the belief in the unseen, and faith without works is dead.
Once you pray and ask God for His dream for your life, then obey His instructions,
and expect God to move on your behalf.
Just like a car needs gas in order to drive, your faith needs expectation in order
to drive you towards your destiny.
Webster’s Dictionary, 1828 edition, defines expectation as the act of expecting or
looking forward to a future event with at least some reason to believe the event
will happen.
Look forward to your future.
Look forward to fulfilling your dreams and expect them to come true.
Obey God, every step of the way, without wondering, When, Lord, when?
Don’t get impatient or anxious.
Continue sowing seeds of preparation, continue doing the work, continue helping
others with their dreams, and your set time will arrive in due season.
Believe it will happen for you.
There is a whole world out there waiting to be blessed and inspired by your gifts
and talents, so believe God will make a way for you.
He will open doors, and He will make it happen while you obey, in faith, expecting.
Expectation is an attitude.
Everyday, say to yourself, I expect to win. I expect to succeed.” If you’re believing God
for a mate, say, “I EXPECT to be married one day!”
Even if years go by and you don’t see it, continue plowing, and
continue saying, I expect to be used by God. I expect the favor of God to rest upon me.
Keep your faith charged up while expecting the manifestation of
God’s divine destiny for your life.
Scripture References:
Hebrews 11:1
James 2:17
Proverbs 4:18
1 Thessalonians 5:2