I recently caught up with Christopher ‘Play’ Martin, 1/2 of the dynamic duo from the late 80’s and 90’s, Kid ‘n Play (Oh La Oh La Eh) and asked him about if he thinks it’s possible to ‘date and stay saved’. Since his Kid ‘n Play heyday, Play’s now an on fire believer. Check out his interesting comments below…what do you think?
On a personal note, Play is dear to my heart as he actually helped me promote my first novel on his website after I confessed to him about my fanatic love for Kid ‘n Play as a pre-teen (I was a mess ya’ll – seriously) It’s amazing how God brings things around full circle – Play’s now saved, working on holy hip hop and his website www.BrandNewz.com and doing it big for the kingdom – God is Good! 🙂
Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more. www.kimontheweb.com
Published by Kim Brooks www.KimOnTheWeb.com
A refreshing voice for today’s Christian single, Kim Brooks is the Award-winning, National Bestselling author of novel, He's Fine...But is He Saved? its sequel and her latest novel, She That Findeth - an Atria/Simon & Schuster release. As a licensed minister, she is also the author of several self-help books and eBooks including, How To Date and Stay Saved and Singles, Overcome! A former guest columnist for Gospel Today and with appearances on The Word Network and in EBONY Magazine, Kim Brooks shares, through the Word of God, how it is possible to live an exciting, purpose-driven, drama-free abstinent until marriage lifestyle in the perfect will of God. Subscribe to her free daily devotional for singles, which reaches thousands globally, and for more information about her books and booking visit www.KimOnTheWeb.com
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