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Kim Brooks Presents Driven Light Productions LLC DBA Driven Light Entertainment is a black woman owned media and production company headquartered in Detroit, MI. Owned by National Bestselling Author, Kim Brooks, it produces high quality family-friendly productions featuring nationally recognized as well as Detroit talent.
Born and raised in Detroit, Brooks knows about the challenges of growing up in the inner city however through faith in God, supportive family and friends and a tenacious willingness to never give up on her dreams Brooks is in position to now actualize her dream of seeing Detroit return to the entertainment mecca it is and has always been since the days of Motown.
A graduate of Renaissance High, Michigan State University and WOF Bible Training Center, Brooks went on to have published traditionally through major New York publishing houses as well as self-published six paperback books (three of them novels), along with more eBooks in order to encourage and inspire her readers and audiences comprised of mainly single Africa-American women with love struggles similar to her own. Her books opened doors for her to speak at churches, organizations and schools across the country and be featured in several media publications and a host of radio and television appearances locally and nationwide. She also publishes an eNewsletter and daily devotional emails to single women which reach over 11,000 globally and have done so for over fifteen years.
As an entrepreneur Brooks hosted gospel speed dating events and ballroom mixers for local singles over the years as well as hosted a 5-day singles cruise to Jamaica pre-Covid January 2019 which was well attended and appreciated by singles from fifteen States and two countries, Paris and the UK and founder of singles support group of over 36,000 women members, Brooks has decided to continue to serve her audience by way of adapting some of her work onto the stage and next feature films to captivate wider audiences and further highlight her creativity.
Brooks’ first production is stage-play adaptation of her #1 Bestselling novel, “He’s Fine…But is He Saved?” which was a nationwide Bestseller for months. It first published December, 2004 and was picked up re-released by BET Books in 2007 when it then became a Bestseller with Black Expressions Book Club for two months in a row. The professional stage play, celebrating Sweet 16 since her book became a National Bestseller with Detroit’s help, is scheduled to take place at the beautiful 1,200 seat Michael Guido Theater inside Henry Ford Complex in Dearborn, MI starring BET Sunday Best Winner Joshua Rogers, Bravo TV’s and Entrepreneur, Jewel Tankard, and guest appearance by Bruh Man from hit TV Show Martin (Reginald Ballard) and Detroit’s finest talent and will run for two nights on Sweetest Day weekend – Saturday, October 21, 2023 and Sunday, October 22, 2023
Written and Executive Produced by Kim Brooks along with a highly targeted promotional campaign reaching over 834,800 by way of radio Ads on Detroit Praise Network, KISS 105.9 FM , social media and email marketing, and an appearance on The Noon on FOX 2 with Muriel Lue, it is sure to be well attended and enjoyed by all.
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UPDATE: Both Nights of, "He's Fine...But is He SAVED?" The Stage Play! were a HUGE SUCCESS! HALLELUJAH!

It's a wrap! Praise break closing night

The crowd LOVE IT!! Check out crowd reactions!
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