It’s that time again! Gospel Speed Dating PLUS…this time Bigger and BETTER than ever before! Gospel Speed Dating, Ballroom Dancing and Lessons, 2 Comedians, Light Refreshments, plus the opportunity to mix, mingle and meet new people in a positive, fun environment. Check out special Video invitation for more details and I hope to see YOU on Saturday, October 15th!

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Kim Brooks, author of bestselling novels, She That Findeth, He\'s Fine...But is He Saved? and more.
Published by Kim Brooks
A refreshing voice for today’s Christian single, Kim Brooks is the Award-winning, National Bestselling author of novel, He's Fine...But is He Saved? its sequel and her latest novel, She That Findeth - an Atria/Simon & Schuster release. As a licensed minister, she is also the author of several self-help books and eBooks including, How To Date and Stay Saved and Singles, Overcome! A former guest columnist for Gospel Today and with appearances on The Word Network and in EBONY Magazine, Kim Brooks shares, through the Word of God, how it is possible to live an exciting, purpose-driven, drama-free abstinent until marriage lifestyle in the perfect will of God. Subscribe to her free daily devotional for singles, which reaches thousands globally, and for more information about her books and booking visit
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